What Would Make an Applicant Exempt from Receiving an ITIN?
The IRS may reject your ITIN application if:
● You did not submit the W7 required documents
● You are not eligible to receive an ITIN
● You did not reply to an IRS request for more information
Getting your ITIN application rejected is frustrating. Here are some reasons why you may be exempt from receiving your ITIN.
Invalid Documents:
When you send your ITIN form to the IRS, you need to attach certain documents. The documents required for the ITIN application include:
● Original passport
● Certified copy of passport
● Photo ID from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
● United States Driver’s License
● Visa from the U.S. Department of State
● Military ID card
● Foreign Driver’s License
● National ID card
● U.S. state ID card
● Civil birth certificate
● Foreign voter registration card
A valid passport or certified copy of passport for an ITIN is the only type of document you can send by itself. If you don’t have one, you need to send two of the other documents that prove your identity and foreign status. Failing to send the right documents may trigger a rejection from the IRS.
Ineligible for ITIN
Only certain people can receive an ITIN. You must be a foreign national who is living and working in the U.S. The IRS will determine whether you qualify for this tax processing number as a nonresident alien. If you don’t have a work visa or a tax return, you may not be able to obtain an ITIN.
Not Responding to the IRS
If you did not provide sufficient information in your ITIN application packet, the IRS may send you a request for more information. You must respond to this request within the allotted time frame. If you fail to send a reply, you may need to re-apply. Whether you need help obtaining the required documents or you’re wondering, “How do I check my ITIN status?” we can help here at ITIN W-7 Application.